Floodways serves to help raise the tide of unity and prayer
in churches across Orange County.
We are passionate about playing our part in "preparing the way for more" in this critical time and strategic place.
We believe in the midst of much brokenness, disorientation and discouragement, God is laying new foundations for his collective church.
Our team strives to help strengthen churches through connecting, encouraging, and envisioning leaders-building bridges across cities, denominations, ethnicities, size, style and expressions.
We are committed to helping churches grow in OC in increasing reliance on God and each other in practical and powerful ways through our core initiatives.
Todd and Lisa Proctor, Founders
Erin Vinzon, Ministry Director
Floodways Board
What we do
Floodways invests in connecting leaders and communities through strategic gatherings, focused trainings, and intentional table conversations.
“The Floodways gatherings have been instrumental in feeling connected and in sync with the body of Christ during a time when that has often been a difficult task. I have left feeling charged, inspired and not alone. I’m so thankful to Todd and the whole team for building this important ministry for the sake of the whole.”
“I received an email from Floodways in the middle of 2021. I expected this to be similar to so many emails I receive throughout a normal day - someone wants something from me. So, I took about a week or two to read it. I was overwhelmed, exhausted, burnt, and dealing with a bout of Covid that put me down for 2 weeks. But, when I finally sat down to read it I saw that several people had written private, direct prayers and encouragements to me. No copy and paste, no general verses, they took time out to lift a broken man.
And then they prayed for my wife and each of my children. I was on my knees in tears. The Lord had not forgotten me. And He showed that to me through this gentle, hard working group of servants.
This team of beautiful people don’t want something from me, they want something for me. ”
“Floodways is playing a pivotal role in our county facilitating connections between pastors and leaders and calling us together for prayer. The One Table gatherings I find encouraging and relational, The Prayer Tent in 2021, and Seek Week was beautiful. God’s heart for unity in the Body of Christ is lived out as we connect relationally, pray together and hopefully start working better together and Floodways is being used by God to stimulate that throughout Orange County. ”
“If it’s true what Francis Chan said in his book “Until Unity” that, “We are currently the most divided faith group on earth, and there isn’t a close second.” Then Floodways is one of the premier movements on earth today mitigating that challenging statement. Through the transformative weapons of prayer and relationship, Floodways is bringing together pastors and churches across every denominational line; blowing up past qualms, petty arguments and secondary doctrinal disputes to forge a better future for the next generation of believers. I feel comforted and emboldened that my kids will look back at my generation and agree that the seeds of unity, power and credibility were sown today, through the great efforts of folks like the Floodways team.”