Our Team


Todd and Lisa Proctor, Founders


Erin Vinzon, Ministry Director

Todd and Lisa have invested the better part of their 30 years together in pioneering and building local churches. (In addition to building into their four amazing children!) They were founding leaders at Rock Harbor, where Todd eventually served for over a decade in the Lead Pastor role.

Todd is a “serial entrepreneur” following his apostolic call to mentor younger pastors, launch new communities, and develop a broad network of Kingdom-minded leaders across the county and nation. Lisa is passionate about incorporating prayer into everyday life, and welcoming people into spaces of hospitality.

Over the last five years, Todd has served on the leadership team for Alpha USA, helping hundreds of key pastors take first steps in exploring Spirit-led, table-based evangelism.  He and Lisa have served as co-pastors at Canopy, a house-church network in Orange County.

Their shared passion for shaping and encouraging young leaders, and developing experiences that foster greater unity, expectancy and prayer in the collective Church led to the founding of Floodways six years ago. They are continually grateful for the opportunity to pour into the pastors and communities of Orange County, which has been home turf for 25 years.


Erin Vinzon has been actively involved in vocational ministry for the past 8 years. During her time as an undergraduate student at Vanguard University, Erin began working in the High School Ministry at Mariners Church, Irvine.

After many years of youth ministry, Erin stepped into the role of Operations Director at Canopy Church, Costa Mesa, and with her husband, Marc, began leading a house-church. Erin and Marc met Todd and Lisa through one of the Floodways initiatives - The Way Apprentice Track.

Shortly after completing the cohort, Erin began working as the Ministry Director for Floodways with a longing to see the Church of Orange County come together in unity and prayer. Erin loves making God’s blueprints come to life for His Kingdom’s sake, and loves doing so alongside her mentors, Todd and Lisa. 


Our Board

The Floodways Board consists of talented and experienced men and women who oversee,
encourage and serve alongside as we invest in the Church of Orange County.